Ready to start an etsy shop?
Let's kickstart your Etsy shop off right!
Get an easy to follow guided checklist so you know exactly what info you'll be expected to provide and the steps needed to open up your new Etsy shop.
Step by Step
We'll send you this downloadable PDF straight to your inbox in minutes.
Are you up for the challenge?
Hi, I'm Kimi Kinsey

In September 2021 I started my own sticker business on a whim (after seeing a friend have wild success with it).

My friend and fellow sticker maker Dani Schnakenberg wanted to help our students tackle the first big step to starting a sticker shop. And let's be honest... there's some stuff during the sign up process that might be a little scary for some.

We get it, and we're breaking it down in steps to help you avoid the overwhelm.

Just need a little bit of info from you...

Hello, nice to meet you... what's your name?

Billing address

This is where you give me the monies 

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Let's beautify your shop!

Get it now for only $30 (normally $50)

It's important that your listings stand out among the masses and that you're encouraging people to buy multiple stickers and really get to know you and your shop. With a little branding know-how, you'll be doing just that!
  • Total payment
  • 1xStickers for Profit: Etsy Shop Challenge$0

All prices in USD
